Servers updated from Exile 0.9.61 to 0.9.8

Home Forums Arma 3 -> Exile -> Altis (Inactive server) Servers updated from Exile 0.9.61 to 0.9.8

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  • #829
    Terd Fergasen

    New updates:

    • Added revive script – Look for defibrillator at the trader
    • Adjusted fresh spawn loadout gear to have a gun, 1 clip, and 1 instadoc
    • Adjusted zombie respawn settings to allow towns to be cleared for a while
    • Adjusted AI settings to increase roaming AI encounters
    Terd Fergasen

    General heads up…

    Changes to both servers have happened post Exile 0.9.8 update, on 7/5/16… ExileMod 0.9.8 change log highlights here:

    Change log for moosepuncher servers –


    • Server-side: A3XAI (Roaming AI) – There is no further support for this AI type. This change has already freed up server-side performance… See below for the replacement system.


    Thanks for patience and feedback while we test this new system.


    • Locker size: $1 billion
    • Fast nights – 4x regular time…
    • Updated DMS to latest build
    • Killing zombies yields Respect points, per the new Exile architecture
    • Roaming AI (and all AI really) may drop cash!! Transfer money via the inventory view
    • NO CODE change, since it was verified working: You can still repair vehicles with duct tape
    • New trader respect cost for items purchasing: I talked it over with the regular players and some really like the new respect cost feature per items, and some do not like it. The official decision is to leave respect costs at the default Exile 0.9.8 levels, since there is no clear line in the sand on the community all wanting one particular thing… Most people said there are servers out there where the owners have removed the respect cost feature and people say it’s too easy… So you will need to earn money and respect to be able to purchase certain levels of items. Hooray for a challenge!

    Future plans:

    • Another performance gain that needs to be tested is updates to the loot system. We run a custom loot system in addition to Exile’s loot system. This can have an effect on performance, but there are also benefits to this system, such as unique and diverse loot spawns compared to other Exile server implementations… This loot system will stay in tact until further research can be done.

    Thanks for playing,

    Terd Fergasen

    I have fixed and changed several server side components. Let me know if this problem persists.

    Terd Fergasen

    I have no idea. I checked the logs, checked online for other server owners having bases and vehicle loss… The only thing I can think of it to remove all server mods, which would make the game very boring. Feel free to research and if you find anything, please send it my way.

    Thank you,

    MD Lion

    i pay it off a day before its due each week and if it wasnt due to the update or yourself i guess it was a bug, i can start over once i can use money again

    thanks for the reply

    Terd Fergasen

    MD Lion, When was the last time the base was there? If it was 7 days or longer since you logged in, it will automatically be deleted… If you logged in 1 day and the next day the base was gone, it could be some Exile bug… Issues like that are frustrating for all parties (including me).

    The ‘any’ for money on the status bar is because the status bar plugin code needs to be updated/patched. Due to Exile 0.9.8 changing the way money works, we all see ‘any’ for money right now until I can fix it.

    Here are the server settings for all players to know. These settings are Exile defaults:

    // Remove all deleted items from the database after X days
    _permanentlyDeleteTime = 3;

    // Remove all territories (and contructions + containers in it) that were not paid after X days
    territoryLifeTime = 7;

    // Remove all containers outside of territories that have not been used for X days
    // Example: Tents
    containerLifeTime = 10;

    // Remove all constructions outside of territories that are older than X days or not moved for X days
    // Example: Work Benches
    constructionLifeTime = 2;

    // Remove all vehicles that were not moved/used for X days
    vehicleLifeTime = 3;

    // Set safe as abandoned
    abandonedTime = 7;

    // Deletes a base X days after the flag is stolen if the ransom money isn’t paid
    stolenFlagLifeTime = 3;

    // Sets door & safe pins to 0000 and marks safes to abandoned X days after the flag is stolen if the ransom money isn’t paid
    unlockLifeTime = 2;

    MD Lion

    instead of a zero or numbers it shows as “any” in the caps

    thanks for all the hard work

    MD Lion


    So my base has vanished, 400 hours of work, gone. I noticed all my money is gone too, about 2 million. When i captured a ai car and sold it, i got no cash. The exile points are ok it seems.

    Terd Fergasen

    I just made another adjustment that may have an effect on ability to connect.

    Terd Fergasen

    Since this was a major Exile Mod update, it took hours to apply updates to the servers and test basic functions/connectivity works…

    Please report BUGS ONLY here.

    • For instance, if you do some action and get kicked, please notify me with the time it happened and your in-game user name.

    Thanks for your patience as we make sure the systems are fully working!


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