A3XAI and missions system added

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    Terd Fergasen

    Good to hear!


    I like where the AI is at now, got into some great firefights, without the shot out of nowhere deaths.

    Terd Fergasen

    LOL. Yeah. It was my 3rd object I picked. I plan to circle back and select something more reasonable, but it will take time and testing.


    Forgot to mention this, is there a way to place the AI loot in something a but more obvious that a sleeping bag roll?  In the tall grass they basically disappear and I have actually had one roll for about 100 meters down a hill (until it hit a tree).  Not sure if something like a pop-up tent is possible, but something that size.  It took 2 of us to spot some last night (one to stay back so that the grass didn’t get rendered and guide the other one to them).


    Thanks again!

    Terd Fergasen

    Dynamic AI is now OFF. Please let me know what you think.

    Thanks all.

    Terd Fergasen

    Thanks @DamageSponge. Yeah. It’s just the beginning still. I’ll try removing dynamic spawns. I need feedback as you are doing already so I can dial it in.

    I have also received feedback from others with recommendations. We will get this juuuuust right, but it will take time.


    I noticed that the AI seem to have both static spawns (that reoccur) and dynamic spawns keyed on the player itself.  For the dynamic spawns, Im hesitant to try and build a base, because if I spend any significant time in it, or even around it, AI is going to spawn on me.

    It happened while I was trying to build a crate a couple nights ago, and I was well out and away from everything else (up north of the airfield).  There was no helicopter or other warnings, just took shots all of a sudden.

    Is that the intention or just an unfortunate side effect as you dial in the AI?  With the penchant for zombies to ignore walls and the AI spawning on you, it would seem that the safest style of play is a few boxes stashed around and then just living out of your truck.

    Thanks again for firing up the server!

    Terd Fergasen

    1. I can’t do anything about the bats. That is Desolation Redux mod’s issue.

    2. Thanks for the feedback on the loot system and AI system! So great to get those systems validated, since they are so complex and I spent a decent amount of time on both.

    3. The clothes issue is BIS / Arma’s faction code (by design for them), and something we have to live with due to what it takes to make the AI system work. Among the MANY changes I made, the player faction had to change from CIVILIAN to RESISTANCE, or the AI will completely ignore players. I am currently trying to workaround this in my spare time. Also, the Desolation dev @Razer is coming at this same issue from another angle. Stay tuned!

    – terd


    Couple observations from last night: Loot seems good, I only made it around Balota but there was plenty of weapons, had to venture farther out for non-hardware (into town) which made sense.

    Not sure if it was just my bat (Lucille) or what, but I couldnt hit anything with it, even at point blank range. It kept making the ping sound like a miss, and never seemed to strike the zombie that was killing me.

    AI seems to be a in a pretty good place, I stumbled across 2 2 man parties at Balota and was strafed by the ghost hawk (that blackhawk helo with the minigun). It kept flying around and finally strafed me before heading inland and then just hovering. It must have flown back and forth 5 times or so before that.

    Ended up getting shot while trying to fix up a vehicle, caught me totally by surprise which was a good thing, I was thinking to myself I should close the doors in case any AI wander by, and literally as Im stepping out to close them I get shot.

    AI shows up just enough to be a constant worry, I like that.


    Oh, and for some reason there is a lot of clothing that can’t be worn (such as when taken off the AI) or even on the ground, took forever before I could find a decent pair of clothes.

    Terd Fergasen

    Yeah. You’ll have to experiment with the crafting thing. This server runs vanilla Desolation Redux, so whatever the dev team has for crafting is what we have for crafting…

    There are rumors of a pending updating within the next week or 2. Who knows, we might get more content.

    I think if you get multiple ingredients in your inventory you can combine them when you right click. Could be wrong. Also if you get to building a base, you can build a work bench. A work bench sounds like a promising item to unlock more crafting options.


    Sorry, should have said one magazine for the pistol. Or perhaps spawn with a baseball bat….


    Maybe through a single clip in the pistol? Might have just been bad luck last night but I had a hard time doing anything other than getting killed last night, of course that was probably just my own fault. Actually it’s probably fine.


    I will look for the sleeping bag rolls, I have seen the arrow keys and it takes me through some menus like building and such, though nothing I actually have the materials for. For what it’s worth, the index that should allow you to jump to a specific section doesn’t work for me either so maybe Im just not clicking on the right section. Meaning that if that is the actual crafting menu now I can’t seem to find any way to look at anything other than buildings.

    Terd Fergasen

    I scaled the AI numbers down a bit, but it may be the case where this needs to be scaled down further. Also, the AI now drop a sleeping pack that contains ALL of the loot from their bodies… Definitely look for sleeping bag rolls on the ground after killing AI.

    As for Shift+I / crafting menu, have you clicked through the right/left arrow buttons on the inventory view? That is how the crafting system is viewing, through the inventory view. Hit “I”, then scroll through the crafting options on lower right (look for the button).



    Sorry, meant to post something earlier. I will get on tonight and play a bit, but my first impression was that the spawns happened a little to repetitively. It’s possible that you adjusted that down or also possible that I just ran into multiple roaming groups together. At the northwest airfield I ran into a pair of AI, killed them, then immediately ran into another pair that can from the same direction. Killed them, then took fire while trying to loot from another pair, also from the same direction. After that things were quiet for awhile.

    Also, their gear dissappears after a few seconds, not sure if that’s intentional or a server cleanup script. I’ve managed to grab a weapon and a backpack but that’s it.

    Thanks again for bringing back the server, and have you gotten the crafting interface (shift + I according to the wiki) to work? All it does for me is open my inventory.

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