AI patrols and veichles

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    NickS (AKA Texas)

    I like the AI too, but there are WAY too many of them. Most of the time I can scarcely finish killing the AI and towing the vehicle before another crew of vehicle AI drive up and start shooting. Lots of AI farming going on due to the outrageous number of them on the road.

    I sent a PM to Terd about this issue, but I’ll make my case here as well.

    I think we could reduce the number of vehicle AI to be more “realistic” to the number we would see if we were on abandoned on a penal colony. The reduction could only help to improve FPS.

    So, lets keep them, but lets reduce their frequency or overall number.

    Would not hurt to dial back the zombies as well. Their are so many that it interferes with base building, base raiding, killing AI, and PVP too.


    We call it the death trap near the airfield

    MD Lion

    i prefer this ai to any other, even with the issues, which to me are small in comparison to the amount of fun that you can have. The invincible Ai was always a thing, you learn to deal with them, by hiding or whatever, the fps drops are the same, a slight hassle occasionally but not enough to make it less fun, its more fun now. much more fun.

    NickS (AKA Texas)

    Our team realized that you can not kill the roving vehicle AI (not mission AI) by running them over. These are the AI that ride in a vehicle. The vehicle will stop and deploy AI if they see you.

    There must be something written into the script that makes them invulnerable to death by being run over. The again, we were not moving very fast when we ran them over. My friend says he has been able to run them over and kill them..

    The times that we found them to be super human (alive and able to shoot back after we dump entire magazines into their bodies) were the times RIGHT AFTER we had run them over.

    The mission AI still blow up when you run them over.. ouch.

    Perhaps some lingering effect of invulnerability to being run over exists after they recover from being run over?

    NickS (AKA Texas)

    Invincible AI.. THAT explains it! Thought I was going crazy for a little while till other members of my group encountered the same thing.

    Terd Fergasen

    OK. I *THINK* I fixed the remaining issues… I am taking a risk and enabling A3XAI again. Hopefully FPS is good and we don’t have issues with invulnerable AI.

    Another side note is A3XAI does not drop money… I may try to work on that.

    – terd

    Terd Fergasen

    Tonight, I spent some time getting A3XAI back up to par on the Tanoa server since no one was on that one… While testing, I noticed FPS can drop low, but it’s for a brief moment… Another issue is sometime AI can spawn in invincible. Irritating! I read around and saw others encountered this issue. I will see if I can fix it and roll this AI back into t
    both servers. I really love Face’s A3XAI. Best dynamically spawned AI I have found in Arma. I will post if I get it to function properly. It is back off on the Tanoa server, since I discovered the chance for them to spawn in invincible. No one wants to deal with that…


    MD Lion

    good to know thanks for the answer and happy new year

    Terd Fergasen

    Thanks for the feedback. You are referring to A3XAI AI. I have tried to bring it forward to work, but it causes too much FPS loss on recent Arma builds. We have roaming AI, but it’s nothing like the AI you miss… I will continue to work on it.


    MD Lion

    I came back to the server after a long break and i noticed theres almost no AI patrolling in cars or on foot.
    Im wondering if theres any chance of bringing back those patrols, which provided most of the fun and activity.

    to be honest, its seems empty now, theres nothing happening unless you travel to one of the two or three locations which are missions and if theres several other players online, theres even less available. We were able to build a small base in one evening due to the lack of any opposition from the AI or zombies.

    Im finding it a bit boring without the AI patrols zooming around and harassing us. Basically, theres much much less to keep me interested. And this is my favorite server, I would rather play here exclusively but it seems I will need to look around for something that fits more with what i want.

    Thanks for reading
    Kind regards


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