AI + zombies

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  • #574

    Did a rocket salesman visit the island? All of a sudden it sends like every AI has a rocket. Including the roaming ones!

    Terd Fergasen

    When I got to play (enjoy the server for once instead of being admin slave 😉 ) Thursday, I noticed the roaming AI is intense. I don’t know if I love it or hate it… I’m thinking about it though and I may adjust the settings a bit to get them juuuuuuuust right again.


    Did you add missions back in as well? Seems to be a lot more roaming AI around…

    Terd Fergasen

    You bet… I can’t wait to play, and I hope the stability stays in tact so we can continue with this version of zombies. From past experiences, @Ryanzombies is the best out there.



    Thanks for bringing back zombies, as Draconus and I found out last night, zombies can make a dangerous situation deadly when we got swarmed while trying to kill some bandits by terminal. The extra challenge is great!

    Thanks again!

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