Bugs, feedback, observations

Home Forums Arma 3 -> Exile -> Altis (Inactive server) Bugs, feedback, observations

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  • #583
    Terd Fergasen

    Yay for ammo bug fix!


    The non payment could be a factor, the base I paid rent on is completely fine, the other is gone. I thought that you had a grace period, but guess not. Of course in my case it’s fine since I hated that base anyway.

    I read about the A3XAI and it does suck, another case of internet negativity ruining things for people.

    On the plus side, the ammo bug seems to have been fixed.

    Terd Fergasen

    Thanks for the feedback fellas. I will look into the territory limits.

    Re: base disappearing –

    I am not sure when the last time [LSG] Demi Deez paid his taxes, but that could be a factor. Then again it could have been a bug.

    ExileMod is a really great mod, but there’s stuff to patch. I’ll look into the territory stuff when I find a spare moment or 2. That and the rocket thing… Maybe the dern A3XAI system somehow got rocket launchers back. The turdy thing about A3XAI is eventually it will no longer work with ExileMod due to the developer getting fed up with the community and completely stopping development of his bad assed AI system… They were assholes to him though, and I don’t blame it. Still when that day comes, I will be pissed all over. Heh. 🙂



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Terd Fergasen.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Terd Fergasen.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Terd Fergasen.

    I believe one of the items noted in the patch notes was a fix to an issue that was causing the system to calculate item limits based on one level above the actual territory level, that may account for you not being able to place items. Items already in place are unaffected, but if you move them then you will be unable to place them. This also means storage boxes, but not anything in the boxes. I have no idea why his base would vanish though…


    [LSG] Demi Deez says his entire base and all vehicles are missing.

    Also several people, including myself, can’t place base objects. Looks like a sever object limit may have been reached?

    The joys of patch day.


    Slow for me to say thanks…but thanks!

    Logged in today after patching. My hunter and all the items in it is gone. It was locked in my base and my base door was also locked.

    I am missing a few other personal items, but not worried about it. I just don’t have the funds to replace the hunter atm, maybe in a few hours.

    Stuff in the base seems OK.

    There were some [SEAL] guys talking to your automated messages asking the admin….I told them it was an automated message. Thought you might get a kick out of it.

    Terd Fergasen

    This is a network failure where hardware has failed. Patching ASAP.


    No problem.

    Servers appear down, of course by the time you may see this they could be resolved but I am not seeing ANY moosepuncher servers up…could be me though?

    Terd Fergasen

    Thanks for your feedback!


    • Looks like the ‘weight caching’ issue is well known but it definitely seems to pertain to storing a container within a container. i.e. a pack inside of a pack, clothing in a pack or vest, etc…
    • TERD: Report to ExileMod.com -> forums | This bug has nothing to do with code I run.
    • Main weapon disappearing. I have had my long arm vanish on relog several times. It is not related to server restarts and seems to happen randomly. First few time I thought I had accidentally sold it but now I know it seems to vanish.
    • TERD: This is new to the ExileMod 0.9.4 version. There is a lot of chatter in the ExileMod user forum about inventory management issues.
    • Ghillie suit I was wearing last night disappeared on a relog. I logged back in with no clothes but with the prison uniform skin. Everything in the clothing was gone. Has happened once.
    • TERD: Another Exile inventory management bug… Their code really needs to be improved here.

    I have scoured the Exile forums in the past to uproot the last 1 off fixes the community provides, but I am at a point with this mod that I refuse to do it. Running unsupported changes can introduce new side effects.

    More RE:

    • Zombies are a little too much of a pain in the ass, at least as a solo player. They move fast, very high hit points and high damage. Headshot is required. I think making them walk slower is the first step to balance (I do not know what variables are available in the mod to tweak).
    • TERD: I agree… sort of. The last time I played I actually loved the challenge, but sometimes it teeters toward too much. I can’t decide if I love it or hate it. I will be tweaking it shortly when personal free time shows up.
    • High loot: I am a survivalist, I like to hunt for items and high look makes it feel more like shopping. This is a personal taste only.
    • TERD: Duly noted, but I will probably keep it close to the same level it currently is at. With the type of AI and zombies, I personally love the level of loot. I hear you though… I have played on servers with sparse loot and well, hate it. Exile’s loot spawner can be slow to spawn in too; example: clear a building, find nothing, start walking away, and BAM the loot finally spawns. I am not a fan of this experience, so I set up my own loot spawner that I used when I ran Arma 2 DayZMod / Epoch servers.
    • Suggested mods:
      Dragonfyre lite for better sound.
      Blastcore for impressive explosions.
    • TERD: As free time shows up, I will look into it… Sounds cool!
    • Thanks for listening and if you ever need an admin I am happy to jump through any required hoops…I’m not an asshat. I usually play a lot.
    • TERD: Roger… I will keep you in mind. You come off as a possible option, but I don’t like to hand out this sort of access. I will reach out to you if you continue to play…

    Thanks again for your feedback. It is great to hear what’s on player’s minds.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Terd Fergasen.

    New to your server but not new to Arma. A friend and I have had several Arma 2 and Arma 3 servers, Epoch, DayZ, Overpoch, etc…

    Looks like the ‘weight caching’ issue is well known but it definitely seems to pertain to storing a container within a container. i.e. a pack inside of a pack, clothing in a pack or vest, etc…

    Main weapon disappearing. I have had my long arm vanish on relog several times. It is not related to server restarts and seems to happen randomly. First few time I thought I had accidentally sold it but now I know it seems to vanish.

    Ghillie suit I was wearing last night disappeared on a relog. I logged back in with no clothes but with the prison uniform skin. Everything in the clothing was gone. Has happened once.

    Zombies are a little too much of a pain in the ass, at least as a solo player. They move fast, very high hit points and high damage. Headshot is required. I think making them walk slower is the first step to balance (I do not know what variables are available in the mod to tweak).

    High loot: I am a survivalist, I like to hunt for items and high look makes it feel more like shopping. This is a personal taste only.

    Suggested mods:
    Dragonfyre lite for better sound.
    Blastcore for impressive explosions.

    Thanks for listening and if you ever need an admin I am happy to jump through any required hoops…I’m not an asshat. I usually play a lot.


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