Exile global hot/open mic issue…

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  • #874
    Terd Fergasen

    @nicks – Thanks for the feedback. In this case, it is a malfunction as opposed to users not knowing the controls. In this case, the mic for the user is on, but there is no in-game visual feedback that a particular user’s mic is on… It has happened to me for sure one night a few weeks ago… Players could hear everything on my side, but there was no ‘Terd Fergasen *speaker icon*’.

    Still! Very good advice for people that do not know how to stop broadcasting themselves. Thanks again.

    NickS (AKA Texas)

    I have experienced this happening (and this may be something different though) to folks but usually double tapping Caps Lock shuts off the open mic.

    Terd Fergasen

    Read about others seeing this Exile or Arma bug here… http://ghostzgamerz.com/threads/global-voice-broadcast.9674/

    Side note:
    – People have been reporting this server-wide hot/open mic issue since around Arma 1.60, and ExileMod 0.98… I am mostly sure it is an ExileMod bug, since they released new audio features around that time.

    Workaround #1: Relog

    Workaround #2: Right-Ctrl + P and mute people

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Terd Fergasen.
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