"Explody" Truck… WTF moments on the Exile server.

Home Forums Arma 3 -> Exile -> Altis (Inactive server) "Explody" Truck… WTF moments on the Exile server.

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  • #913
    Terd Fergasen

    I feel your pain… That’s rough. If I happen to be online soon (it’s been hard for me to do that lately), I will do an admin event with fresh helos to sell. I haven’t done that in a while.


    NickS (AKA Texas)

    Whatch out for those new bicycle IED's

    NickS (AKA Texas)

    I swear…. you would think I had loaded up nitroglycerin and hit the road.

    I was driving thru one of the towns (not sure which one it was) and it was dark.

    I had my NVG’s on, but somehow I missed the bicycle parked in the middle of the road.

    Next thing you know, the truck and all it’s cargo are on fire and my player is dead.

    I re-spawned, ran back, and discovered that I had hit TWO bicycles.. somehow they spawned across each other – I dunno. Anyways, the damage of hitting a bicycle in ARMA3 must be pretty high! I think two bicycles work better than a tank trap.

    I could see my players body in the driver’s seat, but I could not get the scroll wheel option to view the inventory of the body. Ugh…

    To make things worse, I attempted to use the “Flip” scroll wheel option in hopes that it would take the truck off the bicycles and then allow me to at least retrieve the gear off my body.

    The truck jumped a little and then I was bleeding out.. dead AGAIN! (Smacks forehead).

    So, I’ve played long enough to know that “STUFF” happens. I was sad to loose all my cargo (that truck was loaded to the max).

    I made my way back, spent my precious few pop tabs on a new truck and started over. Before long, I had replaced my gear. After doing a mission, I was feeling pretty good and my truck was, once again, all loaded up.

    Driving to the trader, I was killed by some AI. Then killed again as I forgot to open my parachute (looking at map, doh!), Then I was killed AGAIN by those damn AI, lol.

    Finally I made my way back as a fresh spawn to my 2ND fully loaded truck.. hit the road (highway) and was making good progress.

    I saw a zombie in the road (thought it was a zombie anyways) and ran it over. Suddenly there is an explosion and I am bleeding out.

    As I was fireballing – I saw a system message that said I was penalized pop tabs for running over an AI player named “I forget the name”. On the way back to my body, I was trying to figure out what had happened.

    Apparently one of the AI was on the road.. just standing there. I guess if you run and AI over, you are punished with an explosive death?

    When I returned to my body, I was greatful that it was OUT of the burned up box truck. I looted my corpse and then investigated the “person” I ran over. I guess there is a script that removes all the gear and clothing from an AI player that was run over. I guess this is done to discourage players from simply running over AI players at missions rather than take them out with weapons. That makes sense.

    However, I was not at a mission, I was just driving down the road.

    After sucking up the first total loss of my box truck and gear to “weaponize bicycles” (lol), it was very discouraging to loose it a second time due to “explosive AI players”.

    I like playing on this server. I played about 12 hours straight last night (wow…whats wrong with me?).

    I understand the server is play at your own risk and yada yada yada, but any merciful gift would be greatly appreciated.

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