Jonathan replied to the topic General in the forum DayZ 6 years ago
That other trader mod would be sick! Thanks for the timely responses, I appreciate it. See you in the wasteland!
Jonathan replied to the topic General in the forum DayZ 6 years ago
Wait, I somehow missed the rest of your post, oops! To confirm, there aren’t any NPC traders in your server as of now?
Jonathan replied to the topic General in the forum DayZ 6 years ago
I just downloaded the Steam Workshop Mod subscription “420Gaming”, which I hope is the right one. Hadn’t downloaded it before, so I hope to find a trader this time around!
Jonathan replied to the topic General in the forum DayZ 6 years ago
Thanks man, much appreciated!
Last question, I noticed you took the [420] out of the server title. Is this just to avoid text-clutter, or are you removing the 420 Gaming Trader Mod from the server?
Thanks for your time!
Jonathan replied to the topic General in the forum DayZ 6 years ago
Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this question, I’m a DayZ/forum noob!
Is the standalone server on a day/night cycle, or day only?
If this information is posted somewhere else I apologize, I’m basically a bot, lol.
Jonathan became a registered member 6 years ago