8 years ago-
GhoeT replied to the topic Tanoa/Arma issues in the forum Arma bugs, crashes and workarounds 8 years ago
Sorry, to also go with this me and a few others have been having occasional issues where we cant move loot to or from our character unless you do a take all. If you pick up a box and put it back down you can move things freely until restart then its usually deleted.
GhoeT started the topic Tanoa/Arma issues in the forum Arma bugs, crashes and workarounds 8 years ago
Terd, I thank you for your assistance with a recent issue where I could not access gear and/or it would all disappear from safes/vehicles/etc.
Unfortunately it is happening again. I lost 2 safes full of stuff including a crap load of concrete building materials, and one of the safes simply just disappeared. My vehicle… that I moved in the…[Read more]
Ghost and
GhoeT are now friends 8 years ago
GhoeT posted an update 8 years ago
@adminmm hey brother, loving the Tanoa server but myself and a few others that were searching for a new home had questions. Mainly, the zeds are a bit slow to spawn and you almost have to be dead Center of a town to get them to spawn. Can this be changed or is that by design? Also, on the map the markets for failed missions do not disappear, so…[Read more]
chris and
GhoeT are now friends 9 years ago
GhoeT posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
lol you all kinds of fucked up. Look me up in game man, Ill help you out.
GhoeT started the topic Update Server in the forum Server Status 9 years ago
Hey man, just wanted to see if you could update the server. I cant log in and i’m sure others can not either. Thanks!
GhoeT replied to the topic Ryan Zombies Issue in the forum Server Status 9 years ago
yes, i was in today. thank you very much!
GhoeT started the topic Ryan Zombies Issue in the forum Server Status 9 years ago
The past day or so I have not been able to connect to the Exile server because my version of Ryan Zombies does not match what is on the server. I noticed there was an update yesterday and just wanted to see if you plan to update the server soon.
GhoeT became a registered member 9 years ago