MD Lion

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  • #1466
    MD Lion

    Well I’m up for trying this out, I was a huge fan of your old server

    MD Lion

    Nice I’ll get it all re installed etc and try it out

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by MD Lion.
    MD Lion

    I was unable to join yesterday, I’ve been updated to 1.68 but exile on server is running 1.66

    Need to get on to pay base fee

    MD Lion

    Can I be added please

    MD Lion

    I have noticed some players have been using the public section to hit cars, which are then sold to buy bombs, which are then used against the base.

    So to prevent this, I have added several locks to the platform and a lower room too, which has had to be locked as well

    If you want to use it please contact me for the current password

    Hopefully this will be a temporary measure while I assess the situation and it’s use

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by MD Lion.
    MD Lion
    MD Lion

    yes I have seen it, ive been friendly and helpful where i can and once again offer the use of my base for public use

    I agree to the terms laid out here, we can give it a try

    hopefully new players will stick around a bit longer

    The chances are that i will be in my base area or nearby anyway, i only do missions to get supplies

    as for pvp i dont mind that but the base raiding does put players off i think, unfortunately, it is part of the game so you cant help people getting upset after losing alot of hard work

    it can be frustrating- Im still wondering how my flag was taken without raiding through the walls but i know how to restore it now so its not a huge issue-

    i do like the feature but it seems a bit easy to get in atm from the point of view of a defender, i cant comment on the attackers point of view as i have only seen one other base in the area, the one near the bandit camp mission, does any one know who owns that by the way?

    i still like the idea of having a set piece battle when theres enough players on- we could make two groups and go for the same objective for instance or set up a simple base every one has rights to and fight over it when ever possible etc

    so if you see me online give me a shout so i know where your operating and you can assume i will be operating around the base area

    MD Lion

    good thats exactly what its intended for, a community area, where players can meet and set up groups to go out on missions with or just shoot some passing ai and so on.

    Its also intended to help out new players who might be overwhelmed with the map, part of the reason its situated where it is

    another is in honour of the player who had the original base there, who offered its use to me and my friends, which is where my start and wealth came from, i want to carry on that legacy for others

    the clan fight our groups engaged in was fun and that is also partly the reason for the base, a sustained fight, however this will be very costly in respect, from the multiple deaths, as you know.

    They were also genuine questions, what do you get from base raiding? how much respect etc? I dont raid peoples bases in general as i have no need to, being able to make enough just from the ai. i have no idea about the mechanics when it comes to how that works

    now as for players driving past, i havent killed any one yet in that way and in fact, its often the other way round, 9 times out of 10, its me who gets shot and or robbed, rather than any passerby, who often behave noticeably differently than ai, the cars dont stop for one and players shooting you can happen anywhere on the map. for instance, when some users were sitting snipping players at the site.
    I cant say i ever saw any player using a mounted MG there at all

    its much more dangerous for me to operate this site than for any other player and im still offering its use for the benefit of all players, including the ones who enjoy shooting you and taking your stuff and you can always send a call out.

    instead of shooting the players on the platform why not come and join them occasionally? its open to all and i can always use the assistance in keeping the ai away, i usually have more cars than i can sell.

    what ever else goes on in the map, the idea is this is a place for the community to thrive, meet new friends and make some money and respect,

    so the more players who know about it the better

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MD Lion.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MD Lion.
    MD Lion

    great thanks we can all handle a bit of rough play but that was cheap

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MD Lion.
    MD Lion

    i didnt know you did that, thanks

    MD Lion

    i prefer this ai to any other, even with the issues, which to me are small in comparison to the amount of fun that you can have. The invincible Ai was always a thing, you learn to deal with them, by hiding or whatever, the fps drops are the same, a slight hassle occasionally but not enough to make it less fun, its more fun now. much more fun.

    MD Lion

    good to know thanks for the answer and happy new year

    MD Lion

    i pay it off a day before its due each week and if it wasnt due to the update or yourself i guess it was a bug, i can start over once i can use money again

    thanks for the reply

    MD Lion

    instead of a zero or numbers it shows as “any” in the caps

    thanks for all the hard work

    MD Lion


    most bases are car traps, it doesn’t affect the server negatively.

    that’s how we make our money.

    I left mine to be open for public use also so anyone could use it. And i told any players online this and invited them to use it.
    many ai cars simply drive around also.

    having spent close to 400 hours on your server, I know what I’m talking about having experienced it.

    mine was the one at the power plant we had another at the slums, that one was not a car trap and is also gone.

    the thing is I could have easily readjusted the base to fit your sudden new rule and kept all the materials used and saved rather than just having it wiped without warning, if you had warned us before doing it. I realise its your server and you owe us nothing but a head up would have been nice and given me a chance to adjust.

    I enjoyed this server and stayed despite most of my friends leaving, now I have no reason to stay unless I start over.

    I was on today and sold several ai cars but received no cash for them. I’ve also lost all my 2 million I had saved.


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